"In the Maze" by The Shape of Will is a progressive rock track with intriguing metal influences that take listeners...
Renowned prog artist Leon Alvarado is set to captivate fans once again with the release of a two-song EP, offering...
Interview with David Rohl 1. The Mandalaband's debut album and second release, "The Eye of Wendor: Prophecies," are set to...
An unexpected concerto. The streets of Berlin. Nourishment and exhaustion. The celestial, moving among us. All of these things might...
Lucid Evolution's "The Seed" is an exploration of the realms of psychedelic rock and progressive soundscapes. The track opens with...
As longtime guitarist and co-writer for the powerhouse rock hitmaker Billy Idol, Steve Stevens is widely celebrated as a master...
Contrary to popular belief, progressive rock didn’t disappear with the advent of punk, and the lack of media support didn’t...
Prog ensemble Circuline’s 2024 “C.O.R.E.” Virtual Tour began Friday, January 12th, 2024, and will consist of 57 events in 48...
Interview with Derek Shulman 1. The Missing Piece marked a departure from Gentle Giant's previous sound. What motivated the band...
Trevor Rabin, the South African guitarist, singer, multi-musician, writer and producer, released ‘Rio’, his first solo album of vocal material...