Magick Brother & Mystic Sister's "The Tower" is an intriguing trip that combines space-age synths, a jazzy bassline, and hypnotic...
Scott Emmerman's Emerald Isle is a kaleidoscope trip into sound that combines genres and an adventurous mindset. The song begins...
Formed in Germany in 1969, Nektar favored extended compositions and concept albums over the constraints of pop. They were among...
Prog multi-instrumentalist Tim Morse will be releasing his eagerly awaited new album “Soundtracks” on November 12, 2024! The title of...
3Below features three extended range instruments played by Michael Manring (Jaco Pastorius alumni, creator of the Hyperbass), Trey Gunn (Warr...
The Vegetarians are a Swedish-American duo consisting of Hans Annellsson, composer & musician from Sweden, and composer & songwriter John...
Wilton Flo presents a thrilling trip via progressive rock with the track Just One More Dawn. With a duration of little...
Eden Architect's "I'm Still Here" is a dynamic mix of progressive metal's classic origins and new creativity. The tune kicks...
"Quinticep" by Gabe Preston & GPS (Galactic Prism Sounds) is a sophisticated instrumental trip that integrates traditional 1970s progressive rock...
Somos el Viento's "Exodus" is an exciting ride into the worlds of progressive and post-rock, with an element of cosmic...