"Utopia," the latest album by the talented artist Kid Lazuras, is a captivating and mesmerizing journey through a kaleidoscope of...
Para Lia's latest track, "C'est La Vie," is a riveting and guitar-driven post-punk anthem that leaves an indelible mark on...
Octavian Winters' gothic rock track "Undertow" is a haunting and emotionally charged musical journey that weaves a gripping tale inspired...
"Walk Among the Spectres" by Harry Stafford and Marco Butcher is a captivating piece of alternative rock and blues that...
Wednesday's Child's EP "Seven Sisters" is a captivating and intense musical journey that draws inspiration from Post-Punk and Avant-garde genres....
Tantrum Zentrum's latest post-punk offering, "Don't Be A Fascist," is a captivating blend of influences that takes listeners on a...
Candy Coffins, the brainchild of vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter James Lathren, presents a captivating Post-Punk track titled "Another Kiss." Influenced...
William Faith (vocals, guitars), Sarah Rose Faith (vocals, guitars), Philly Peroxide (keyboards, percussion), Stevyn Grey (drums), and Corey Gorey (guitars)...
Memory Box, a remix of Solemn Arcade, is a mesmerizing track that showcases the fusion of post-punk and electronica in...
Two lifelong friends, drummer Aaron Gilligan and guitarist/vocalist Jon French, founded Exotic Fruitica in Austin, Texas, in 2022. It took...