A band from the Brussels scene named Factheory has a distinct poetic side and a sound that is deeply rooted...
Rev. Billy Simmons, a multi-instrumentalist in this Chicago-based band, is one of many artists and musicians who are pushing themselves...
Your music has been described as a blend of post-punk, shoegaze, and electronic sounds. How did you come to develop...
Roman Candles is an alternative rock band from Charlotte, North Carolina, consisting of Daniel Jackson, Justin Kent, Grey Revell, and...
9 o'clock Nasty and I Am The Unicorn Head have joined forces to create a captivating musical experience with their...
There is something to be said for those artists who go the extra distance to ensure all elements of their release...
The Cruzados European tour kicks off this Spring, April 27th through May 27th of 2023 with stops in Spain, France,...
Greece's Thessaloniki is home to the duo Anomalos Kosmos. They use soundscapes from their city to create a hybrid of...
Travis is a freelance writer, composer, and producer who works across a variety of genres and is presently based in...
The German version of the track is a fusion of various genres, including jazz, post-punk, and experimental music. The piece...