The Inca Babies, a band based in the raw brightness of Manchester's 1980s music scene, provide an exciting revival of...
"Echoes and The Angels," which features Leo Luganskiy of Strangelove, is a dark and exciting piece that combines alternative rock, mid-tempo...
THE CHAMELEONSUK/RoI TOUR DECEMBER 2024 06.12.24 BRISTOL Marble Factory07.12.24 LONDON O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire09.12.24 DUBLIN Opium10.12.24 BELFAST Limelight12.12.24 GLASGOW The Garage13.12.24 NEWCASTLE Riverside14.12.24 MANCHESTER Albert Hall SOLD OUT The legendary Manchester-formed post-punk act The Chameleons commence...
Clan of Xymox's joint remix of Delerium's "In The Deep" is a creative reinterpretation that combines the ethereal and the...
Your solo album, Model Kollapse, explores dystopian, industrial themes while incorporating a mix of genres like electro-industrial, techno, and darkwave....
The song "Road to the Pit" begins with a strong, rough punk sound remining of The Idles, getting that raw energy that is...
Princess Ugly's "Wobble Walk" is a rough piece that combines the primal energy of post-punk with experimental rock. This five-piece band, formed...
The Haptics, a Vancouver-based band, brings a fresh however nostalgic post-punk spirit to their single "Vows." The Haptics, formed in...
The single "Our Steven" by Organised Scum begins with a sluggish, dark rock sound rooted in alternative rock, combining post-punk...
The single "Slanted Houses" by Dirty Trainload is a mix of garage rock, dark blues, folk, and post-punk that explores themes...