"Junior" by Michael Friedinger is an instrumental track that takes listeners on a musical journey through various genres, showcasing the...
Ronald Van Deurzen, an esteemed pianist and composer known for his versatility in contemporary instrumental music, takes us on a...
Breena's "At the Seaside" unfolds as a captivating ballad that blends jazzy and indie rock influences, revealing the artist's exceptional...
"You & I" by Joey Calveiro and Arturo Sandoval is a remarkable jazz collaboration that bridges generational and musical gaps,...
"Steezy" by Waxamilion showcases the musical prowess and genre-bending finesse of Austrian musician Max Dornauer. As a jazz-trained guitarist, Max's...
"What Became of You?" by Wuzy Bambussy is an exploration of sound and emotion, skillfully crafted by the dynamic duo...
"Let's Keep This a Secret" by Maija unveils a soulful journey through the intricacies of the beginning stages of a...
E.G. Phillips takes listeners on a cinematic journey with his latest EP, "Outlaw The Dead," a collection of soul-stirring tracks...
David Campodarve's "Carta a mi Mismo" is an expression of the creative versatility of a multi-talented artist who not only...
Motortaksi, the Istanbul-based songwriter and filmmaker, delivers a delightful musical experience with the instrumental track "Smooth and Reddie." At just...