"Garda Lake" by Roberto Celi is an instrumental track that invites listeners on a tranquil journey through serene landscapes and...
"Indy Fontaine's rendition of 'Is This Love' offers a fresh take on the iconic Whitesnake classic, showcasing her exceptional talent...
"Yannick Benoit Quartet's 'Future Is In The Field' delivers a delightful mix of jazz elements, blending together to create a...
"Knocking on the Window" by Sergey Khomenko is an instrumental track that fuses elements of jazz, funk, and electronic dance...
"Where Is The Light" by Extra Time, the brainchild of Brendan McNamara, presents a compelling fusion of classic jazz, nostalgic...
John Korbel's "New York All To Ourselves" is a delightful fusion of contemporary pop, country, and jazz, creating a unique...
Jimmy Mallia, the seasoned 59-year-old singer-songwriter hailing from Galveston, TX, takes us on a delightful trip down memory lane with...
"Ball de l'àliga" by Persicopi Invertit is an instrumental track that smartly blends diverse musical elements, creating a rich and...
PAKT, a true super group of master musicians merging & colliding new music in the realms of progressive rock, electric...
Your collaboration with Elizabeth Geyer has spanned multiple albums, including "Imaginings," "Deeper Imaginings," and the award-winning "Sanctuary." What sparked the...