"Shine The Light" by the dynamic duo Alien Gothic is a voyage into the heart of cosmic goth. Comprising Ryan...
Industrial Music
Fresh from two recently completed tour runs across the US, first as the headlining act and second alongside Ministry and...
Doorshan's "Knife Edge" propels listeners into an electrifying soundscape where industrial rock meets dance, resulting in a mesmerizing sonic journey....
Portrait of a Nightmare (PoaN) is an Orange County, California-based Industrial Hard Rock/Metal band that combines the power and aggression...
Godflesh share new track "LAND LORD" from their forthcoming album, PURGE. It's a track which spirals out in pent-up rage from...
"Always in Danger" is a unique album that seamlessly blends elements of indie rock and industrial music, resulting in a...
"Factory" is a bold and experimental EP from the band Cheree, showcasing the group's penchant for pushing boundaries and defying...
Super Dragon Punch!! have developed their distinctive sound by producing electronic music that incorporates elements of synthpop, industrial, and 80s...
The "Industrial Dance Rock" band Golem Dancing Cult was founded by two friends, Charles Why (of Lost A Noise, Nexus,...
Modern industrial outfit DK-Zero are as known for their explicit, occasionally shocking but always insightful, references to sex and lust,...