Raging Sons' "Breathe Easy" is a cool song that shows the band's ability to combine numerous influences into an integrated and...
Indie rock
Dear Providence's "Like a Saint" is an acoustic ballad that combines aspects of indie folk with the emotional depth of glam rock from...
The opening echoing guitars in Andy Jans-Brown's "The Secret's Out" make for an intriguing start. After the drums enter, the...
The Speed of Sound's "Mind Palace" is a dynamic and stimulating song that combines elements of folk music and indie...
The band Monotronic's "Sun Song" is an emotional track that shows how well they can combine diverse musical genres and...
Kolbak, a melodic indie pop trio composed of Harold Pflug (vocals, guitar), Ronald van der Vaart (bass guitar), and Martin...
Gamina Chad's heartbreaking song "Make it Beautiful" blends electrical and acoustic components to produce a beautiful and intriguing mood. The soft...
"Rōcinante" by 1+1+1 begins with a burst of indie rock guitars, immediately establishing an energetic and engaging tone. The production...
Hazy Day Parade's hit song "Play It Backwards" shows the effective partnership of Phil-X and Cory-X. Groovy rock riffs that...
"Lost Time," the latest track by Crooked Mouth, the recording project of guitarist and songwriter Ken Campbell, is a delightful...