The Dead Beast Initiative brings a nostalgic wave of raw energy with their track "I Am The Shadow," a challenging...
Hard Rock
Once Below Joy's track "Hounds" is an interesting blend of various rock influences that transport listeners through a music journey...
"Welcome to the New Frontier" introduces listeners to the unique musical world of Shattered Worlds, a solo project spearheaded by...
Henry van der Zwan's "Journey" is an enthralling instrumental track that transports the listener through intricate melodies and energetic hard...
"Ripping" by Gary Dranow is a thrilling blast from the past, channeling the raw energy and unbridled spirit of classic...
Indianapolis, Indiana. Baltimore, Maryland rockers TAINTED SAINTS have shared “Voodoo Girl,” the first single from their new ‘Self-Titled’ album. You can now...
The track "What's it Going to Take" by The Project featuring Mykele Hill opens with a captivating electric guitar introduction...
I Ya Toyah's latest single, "Panic Room," stands as a proof to the artist's commitment to self-expression, echoing the translated...
"Living Water" by Henry van der Zwan takes listeners on a thrilling instrumental journey, offering a sonic experience that feels...
Thane Farace, the multi-talented American artist hailing from south-central Pennsylvania, unveils his soulful creation, "House of Thorns." As a composer,...