Independent pop rock musician Livvy English, based in Brighton, UK, has released a powerful song titled "Change The World." This...
Hard Rock
Pop-rock group KingQueen, lead by Ina (aka Sabrina Petrini) and including Bobby Carpenter, Ella G. Burgos, Jake Absher, and Brandon...
Forming in 2013 with childhood friends Jordan White and Brian Dellis, Phoenix, AZ's modern rock band Jane N' The Jungle...
Elephants in Paradise's most recent EP, "Reincarnation," is a combination of electronic elements, strong female vocals, and heavy guitars that makes...
Steve Creep and the Wildcards' "Bottles and Cans" begins with a gritty hard rock guitar riff that instantly reminds me...
Shaky's "Tequila Jar" is a nostalgic journey through the sounds of rock from the late 1970s and early 1980s, expertly...
SOHM's "Man I F****d Up Hard - Radio Edit" is a song that combines hard rock and post-grunge elements, recalling the bright...
"Big Black Hole," Electric Temple's debut song, provides a strong introduction to the band's skills and potential. Bringing a wealth...
Dean Cooper's upbeat new song, "Keep on Rocking," is a shining tribute to vintage hard rock that reflects the vibe...
Enuff Z'nuff, the revered melodic rock band hailing from the heart of Chicago, is set to unveil a treasure trove...