"Concrete Death" by Mass Rift is a thrilling tribute to the grunge era of the 1990s, reminiscent of iconic bands...
The Dead Beast Initiative brings a nostalgic wave of raw energy with their track "I Am The Shadow," a challenging...
LongRoad's "Breathe," featured on their second studio album "Faith in Greater Things," is a hard-hitting rock track that combines the...
In a mesmerizing collision of genres and a nod to horror's dark allure, Charles East delivers a chilling rendition of...
Dylan Howells' "Cold White Eyes" is a hard-hitting hard rock track infused with the raw energy of grunge and stoner...
Outsound was unintentionally founded during a Chris Cornell tribute concert in early 2018 and started writing right afterwards. Outsound's "Crème...
Kevin the Persian is a hard rock artist based in New Orleans. His debut album Southern Dissonance was released on...
Adams Traktor is a music project formed by JR Smith to explore, expand, and in many ways bend the music genres that...
There have been countless books penned about the leading grunge bands - namely, Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Surprisingly, few have...