With an enigmatic vocal arrangement and a throbbing electronica background, History of Guns' "No Longer Earthbound" is an intriguing exploration...
Jacki Jones' "Life's Regime (Alternate Version)" blends elements of shoegaze and darkwave with a sense of nostalgia for the 1980s...
Located in Stockholm, Then Comes Silence is a post-punk band with a strong gothic influence that keeps making waves in...
The Shadow Majlis' "Deer In The Headlights" is an engaging combination of experimental rock and world music elements, with creative...
The 16 tracks on Nick Hudson's wide and ambitious album "Kanda Teenage Honey" show his skill as an avant-pop musician....
"Veiled Screen, Woven Dream" is a melancholic and fascinating song by The Palace of Tears, which is a musical partnership...
The Guilteens'"Long Lost Version" is a hauntingly lovely song that takes listeners to an older time with elements of garage...
"Like A Hammer" by Then Comes Silence is a mix of 1980s synth melodies and gothic rock elements that immediately...
Andreas Gavlén's "A Perfect Lie" is an exploration of post-punk landscapes, enriched with dreamy guitar tones and ethereal vocals reminiscent...
"A Heart Cries" by Lovelorn Dolls is not just a song; it's a haunting journey through the depths of despair...