Beauty In Chaos, led by Michael Ciravolo, continues its daring exploration of post-rock, gothic, and dream-pop worlds with Dancing With...
Reverb & Seduction by Federale is a cinematic trip that combines atmospheric rock, gothic shades, and Americana elements. The album was...
The Awakening's "Mirror Midnight" is a somber hymn about the strange attraction and dark consequences of self-obsession in the era...
Juan Pablo Espinosa's single "Quiero Ser Especial" is combining aspects of 1990s New Wave with goth-inspired synth work. The song...
Beauty In Chaos's "Holy Ground" features Patrik Mata and is a deeply moving listen that integrates post-punk and gothic rock components...
"A Million Voices" by Nekoticat is an exciting EDM music that combines elements of 1980s electro-pop with a modern touch. The...
new albumout 19.07.24(Metropolis Records)stream | Bandcamp “Immediately accessible and enticing, displaying a band at the very top of their game...
Known for her time spent as the guitarist for Cell Division and her work with Lowest Fi, Miss Torsion adds...
The ethereally beautiful song "Diving For Pearls" by Beauty In Chaos, which features Wayne and Cinthya Hussey, combines pop sensibilities...
VAZUM, formed in Detroit, MI in 2017, consists of Zach Pliska (vocals, guitars, drums) and Emily Sturm (vocals, bass, keyboards)....