Zoo Sioux's Alien is an interesting mix of blues rock and experimental production that takes listeners to a bizarre audio...
Grumbeaux's "Bobby McGee (2024 Version)" is a creative, harsh take on a classic, with a distinctive experimental touch. The tune...
David Cloyd's "Ocean of Hours" is an interesting mix of mystery and nostalgia, with a sound that is perhaps both warm and...
Nick Hudson's "Catherine In The Curate's Garden" is a dark and poetic piece that combines strange drone music with a...
Rob Favotto's single "51 - X" instantly puts the listener in a heavy rock environment, clearly inspired by the classic sounds...
Magic Bullet & Friends' album ΚΟΛΛΑΒΟΡΑΤIΣ explores experimental music with elements of industrial, ambient, noise, and more. This 10-track collaborative...
Ignacio Wer's "The Snow And The Ocean" is a lovely ambient work that puts listeners in a dreamlike environment. The...
Raffaele Luzzi's "The Needle" is an exciting instrumental composition that integrates genres to produce a deep listening experience. An ethereal, soft...
Escalation James Dorsett's "Escalation" is a hypnotic song that grabs the attention from the first note. Setting the tone for the...
Nick Hudson's "Sky Burial While Alive" is a melancholic and stimulating song that combines musical and lyrical talent to make a...