The Veldt's remix of "Aurora Borealis" offers a fresh take on their signature dreamy shoegaze sound, infused with elements of...
Tulipomania, comprised of talented duo Tom Murray and Cheryl Gelover, presents a mysterious sonic exploration in their track "Shines On."...
"Magnetar" by Perdurabo is a synth journey through a sonic landscape that effortlessly combines elements of rock, synthwave, and atmospheric...
Giardini Oort's "Dark Thoughts" is a melodic journey into the depths of a haunting sonic landscape. From the very beginning,...
"Lesbian Speed Dating's 'Slide Inside my Brain' offers a journey into the realms of psychedelia, blending dark atmospheric tones with...
Hailing from Hong Kong's thriving music scene, Ink Element presents a dynamic electronic composition that deftly blends decades' worth of...
The composition "Artificial Lover" by Void gf featuring Boss Omnivore initiates with a captivating dreamy ambient introduction, instantly transporting the...
"The Field" by Conscious Kid invites listeners on a trip through a dreamy soundscape that smartly blends Shoegaze and Synthwave...
The Noise Who Runs, a musical collaboration led by songwriter Ian Pickering (known for his work with Sneaker Pimps and...
Snailmate's "I Know What You Want" is a genre-blending sonic trip that includes elements of hip-hop, electronic dance, industrial metal,...