The story of Loverboy is akin to a Hollywood movie. Overcoming rejection to eventually become one of Canada's most successful rock bands of...
Classic rock
Otherworldly Things, a four-piece band comprising Jim Browne, Matt Revie, Jason Binnick, and Travis Harrison, invites listeners on a nostalgic...
"Take You There" by Sabatta is a two-minute instrumental odyssey that showcases the raw talent and eclectic style of guitarist...
Jeff Vidov, a versatile musician and composer hailing from Toronto, Canada, showcases his talent once again with his latest track,...
"Spacecake" by Pale Cousin is a psychedelic trip through the cosmos, channeling the spirit of space rock legends like Hawkwind...
"Ripping" by Gary Dranow is a thrilling blast from the past, channeling the raw energy and unbridled spirit of classic...
Prepare to be mesmerized as Maestro Rafael Riqueni, an iconic figure in flamenco guitar music, unveils a transcendent rendition of...
The composition "Digital Void" by Tarita unfolds as an acoustic ballad, initially establishing a serene atmosphere enhanced by ethereal percussion...
The track opens a door to a nostalgic era, harking back to the golden age of classic rock with unmistakable...
Sabatta's "Get Over Yourself" pays homage to the influences of Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz, and Funkadelic while carving out its...