The Speed of Sound's Artificial Paradise is an engaging mix of modern engineering and vintage-inspired music, showing the band's talent...
Classic rock
"Million Year Old Song" is a classic rock anthem that reflects the restless spirit of youth while wondering about the unavoidable...
Matthew O'Neill's "Disagreement" is a great exploration of psychedelic and southern rock, along with a 1970s rhythm that feels surprisingly creative....
"All Roads" begins with a fuzzy, distorted guitar that sets an electrifying language, soon followed by an explosive drum beat that...
Originally from Frankfurt, Germany, ElKremso's song "Rock Breaker" offers a dirty, passionate performance. Beginning with a strong heavy rock rhythm,...
Status Quo has endured for over 50 years and is known for worldwide hits and tours to millions of fans...
Formed in Germany in 1969, Nektar favored extended compositions and concept albums over the constraints of pop. They were among...
John Lodge, legendary bass player, songwriter and vocalist of The Moody Blues, and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, is...
Zachary Mason's "Sweet Girl" is a nostalgic tribute to classic rock, beginning with warm, familiar guitar riffs that create an eternal,...
Craig Erickson's "Above the Clouds" is a masterpiece in combining cinematic atmosphere with deep, bluesy guitar work, leading to a...