BARD's Angels Got His Back is a brilliant synthesis of blues, soul, Americana, and poetic storytelling that honors literary classics...
"Let's Rise" begins with a Folk-Blues sound that grabs attention with its professional mastering and loud, clear production. The musical...
Zoo Sioux's Alien is an interesting mix of blues rock and experimental production that takes listeners to a bizarre audio...
Brett Ratner's Lakeshore Sunrise is a colorful instrumental trip that brilliantly blends blues rock and groovy beats, delivering an energetic, feel-good...
The single "Slanted Houses" by Dirty Trainload is a mix of garage rock, dark blues, folk, and post-punk that explores themes...
Craig Erickson's "Loveland" is an instrumental composition that integrates acoustic and electric components, leading to an atmosphere that feels both "lonely" and "open." The...
Peppino's song "Stones from the Sun" is a dynamic combination of classic rock, prog, and space rock with an original...
Chris Murray's "I Just Dropped By To Say Hello" is a warm, nostalgic jazz composition that reflects the spirit of...
Magpies' "The Ballad of the Crying Clown" is an incredibly moving composition that expands with sad piano melodies, creating a...
"Alone At A Table for Five" by Havard is an atmospheric exploration of loneliness and the desire for connection. The...