"Echoes and The Angels," which features Leo Luganskiy of Strangelove, is a dark and exciting piece that combines alternative rock, mid-tempo...
Beauty In Chaos, led by Michael Ciravolo, continues its daring exploration of post-rock, gothic, and dream-pop worlds with Dancing With...
Beauty In Chaos's "Holy Ground" features Patrik Mata and is a deeply moving listen that integrates post-punk and gothic rock components...
The ethereally beautiful song "Diving For Pearls" by Beauty In Chaos, which features Wayne and Cinthya Hussey, combines pop sensibilities...
"Kiss Me (Goodbye)" by Beauty In Chaos feat. Julian Shah-Tayler is a captivating blend of Alternative Rock and Glam Rock,...
1. Please introduce the band of the Beauty in Chaos, when did you start composing music? This entire thing started...
LA-based alternative rock collective Beauty in Chaos presents their new album 'The Storm Before The Calm', set for releasing via LA-based label 33.3 Music...
American alt-rock supergroup Beauty in Chaospresents their new single 'Almost Pure' featuring Steven Seibold of the popular industrial-synth-punk Hate Dept., which he...
American alt-rock supergroup Beauty in Chaospresents their new single, 'A Kind Cruelty' ft. Curse Mackey. This is a taster of Beauty...
LA-based collective Beauty in Chaos presents their new single '20th Century Boy' feat. Rolan Bolan and Wayne Hussey, with a...