Ecce Shnak's Jeremy, Utilitarian Sadboy is a sound labyrinth—an adventurous, kaleidoscopic exploration of avant-garde rock, experimental prog, and funk wrapped in...
Nick Hudson's "Catherine In The Curate's Garden" is a dark and poetic piece that combines strange drone music with a...
Magic Bullet & Friends' album ΚΟΛΛΑΒΟΡΑΤIΣ explores experimental music with elements of industrial, ambient, noise, and more. This 10-track collaborative...
Raffaele Luzzi's "The Needle" is an exciting instrumental composition that integrates genres to produce a deep listening experience. An ethereal, soft...
The 16 tracks on Nick Hudson's wide and ambitious album "Kanda Teenage Honey" show his skill as an avant-pop musician....
"Mind the Gap" by Berlin-based avant-garde industrial band Lolita Terrorist Sounds is a journey into the depths of experimental music....
"You Had To Be There" by Tulipomania is a haunting and thought-provoking post-punk track that delves deep into the uncertainties...
Wednesday's Child's EP "Seven Sisters" is a captivating and intense musical journey that draws inspiration from Post-Punk and Avant-garde genres....
The track "Aviatrix" by The 3 Clubmen is a captivating and unique piece of music that defies easy categorization. It...
Ines Brodbeck, a Basel native with Cuban ancestry and a love of music, was born in Arlesheim in 1981. She...