"Back Home" by Patrick Doval (Featuring Pete Parada) is a track that effortlessly blends elements of 1990s indie rock with...
Alternative Rock
"Airhead" marks a departure from the signature industrial metal sound that KMFDM has long been known for, offering listeners a...
"Buzhold, formerly known as Noir, presents a musical journey with their latest track, 'Shoe Case.' This talented quartet, comprising Edvin,...
Fear of Tomorrow's latest offering, "Gracious," is a relentless dive into the world of Alternative Rock, leaving an indelible mark...
Fictional Bliss's EP, "New Nostalgia," is a trip through various rock genres, blending influences from post-punk, alternative rock, folk, and...
Rose Alaimo's latest offering, "A Place To Go When You Need To Hide," is a deeply introspective and emotionally charged...
Leon Frear's "A Town Called Chapel" takes listeners on a mystical trip through a landscape of alternative blues, atmospheric tones,...
Pork Pie, the seasoned quartet consisting of Peter Laverty (Lead Guitar), Shane Brett (Drums), Michael Laverty (Bass), and Michael Stafford...
New Lewi, the Jamaican-born and Brooklyn-raised MC, brings a refreshing blend of Hip-Hop and Alternative Rock in his latest track,...
Labasheeda's track "Homeless" is a journey into the realms of alternative rock, post-punk, and noise rock, showcasing the band's prowess...