Felipe Malaquias is a Brazilian composer, pianist, and singer who recently released the track "Life goes on." The song begins...
Pop / Rock Reviews
Legendary Philadelphian band Supa Philly was created in 1977 from the greatest acts from NY, NJ, and PA. Some of...
The song begins with a catchy Funk Rock guitar riff reminiscent of the Red Hot Chili Peppers; however, the later...
"My Heartache" is the single from the artist’s next album, which is a song rich in emotions and inspired by...
With such a song title, you become really suspicious about how the music will reach your ears, and probably your...
The track starts with a cinematic piano intro, and as the vocals blend into the audio field, the beautiful voice...
Indoor Friends, a Boston based Alternative band released recently the "Is It All Melting?" EP. The result is very interesting...
The track starts with an almost Hip-Hop groove based on the guitar chords in the background and the ironic, playful...
By pressing the Play button, an acoustic guitar intro in combination with the beautiful, melodic vocals (congrats on the production!)...
This is a beautiful rock ballad with its roots in the glorious era of the 1990s, when female fronted rock...