With Liko, Yung Mas creates an unusual audio experience that "crashes" genre borders while maintaining an experimental hip-hop instrumental. From beginning to...
Pop / Rock Reviews
Wilton Flo presents a thrilling trip via progressive rock with the track Just One More Dawn. With a duration of little...
Andrea Braschi's Aeternum is an interesting voyage through classical and epic scenes, with an exciting mix of piano, orchestral components, and...
Veldor's "One Wish" is a moving country-pop masterpiece that grabs the listener's "heart" from the first strum of the acoustic guitar. The...
Get Ready by Henry van der Zwan is an adrenaline-fueled blues rock track that puts you to the driver's seat...
Knocking at Your Door by Henry van der Zwan begins with a driving drum beat, setting the basis for a dynamic work...
Stephen St James' "Saviour/Self" is a wonderful track that combines folk and neoclassical inspirations with a pop aesthetic. The song begins...
Corpus Delicti's "A Fairy Lie" is a melancholic, gothic song that brings out feelings of sadness and nostalgia. The song begins...
"Quinticep" by Gabe Preston & GPS (Galactic Prism Sounds) is a sophisticated instrumental trip that integrates traditional 1970s progressive rock...
Alberto Bazzoli's "Patrizia" is a dynamic pop instrumental that recalls the mood of a 1970s Italian soundtrack, providing listeners with...