Bill and Drew, a dynamic duo hailing from western Pennsylvania, have taken a bold step into the realm of classic...
Pop / Rock Reviews
The Project's "Over You" emerges as a hard-hitting rock track that pays homage to the golden era of hard rock,...
SIR-VERE, the UK-based quartet hailing from Milton Keynes, boldly embraces a unique musical identity that melds post-punk ethos with the...
Brenna Menz's latest track, "Are You Just Lonely?" delivers a blend of indie rock with a nostalgic nod to the...
Jakob Art's "Laura (Live)" takes listeners on an electrifying journey through the experimental realms of rock, showcasing the French singer-songwriter's...
Mike Dunne's "What Have We Done" is an coustic folk track with unmistakable Country influences, drawing inspiration from the legendary...
Lupe's "Exit" is an atmospheric neo-progressive ballad that seamlessly blends elements of Marillion's Steve Hogarth era with captivating jazz influences....
"Sundown" by Marc Whitmore emerges as an instrumental journey, offering a glimpse into the artistic depth of a Grammy award-winning...
"All Mighty God" by Andy E McGuire is a country rock ballad that transcends mere musical expression, delving deep into...
Rose Alaimo's "Stars" is an indie pop ballad that draws inspiration from the emotive styles of The Cranberries and Céline...