"Bombshell" by Andrea Pizzo and The Purple Mice is a musical journey that blends elements of dance rock with electronic...
Pop / Rock Reviews
"Clipping" by The BV's is a delightful indie rock track that effortlessly weaves together various influences, creating a sound that...
"Darkest Oceans" by the Jode Gannon Band is a musical journey that effortlessly blends rock with a touch of country,...
The latest offering from Smoky Ghosts of Big Trees, "Pilot to Bombardier," takes listeners on a journey through a psychedelic...
A1exo invites listeners on a euphoric journey with their synth-infused track, "GET LIT." Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of...
Manuel K, the independent rock sensation hailing from Switzerland, takes us on a nostalgic journey with his latest track, "The...
Deni Girl's latest track, "Killing You," takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the heyday of 90s hard rock, blending...
PJ Far-West Selecta, a seasoned musician and reggae-dub-ska enthusiast with over four decades of musical experience, teams up with the...
Bailey Tomkinson's rendition of "Christmas for Cowboys" is a soul-stirring country/folk ballad that pays homage to the timeless spirit of...
Timothy LaRoque's "Where You Going?" takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the realms of acoustic balladry, drawing inspiration from...