Black Iris's latest single, "The Maze," leads listeners through the intricate corridors of a woman's psychological struggles, all while engaging...
Pop / Rock Reviews
The composition "Digital Void" by Tarita unfolds as an acoustic ballad, initially establishing a serene atmosphere enhanced by ethereal percussion...
The track "Angelic" by Love Ghost presents itself as a delightful acoustic ballad that evokes the resonances of Goo Goo...
The track "What's it Going to Take" by The Project featuring Mykele Hill opens with a captivating electric guitar introduction...
Fictional Bliss's EP, "New Nostalgia," is a trip through various rock genres, blending influences from post-punk, alternative rock, folk, and...
Salt's "Roly Moes" is an exploration of emotional intensity, drawing from a diverse range of influences that seamlessly blend into...
JVLIVS invites listeners on an epic ride with the instrumental track "HOME SWEET A-U-M," a musical odyssey that unfolds like...
The track opens a door to a nostalgic era, harking back to the golden age of classic rock with unmistakable...
Rose Alaimo's latest offering, "A Place To Go When You Need To Hide," is a deeply introspective and emotionally charged...
Sabatta's "Get Over Yourself" pays homage to the influences of Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz, and Funkadelic while carving out its...