Rose Alaimo's "Power Lines" is an "inter connected" journey that explores the intricate connections that bind us together. Hailing from...
Pop / Rock Reviews
"Drakaina" by Illeeria is an instrumental track that smartly combines together electric guitar sounds and folk elements, creating an epic...
"Lost Without U" by Subway Rat is a genre-bending track with no easy categorization. The track kicks off with an...
"See Me" by TULA is an emotionally charged track that takes the listener on a dark journey. The song begins...
Ronan Furlong, the talented Irish musician and songwriter, weaves a compelling narrative in his folk rock gem, "Always Amazed." A...
Trickster's "Still Kicking" is a classic rock gem that pays homage to the Southern rock tradition while infusing it with...
Pork Pie, the seasoned quartet consisting of Peter Laverty (Lead Guitar), Shane Brett (Drums), Michael Laverty (Bass), and Michael Stafford...
"Bombshell" by Andrea Pizzo and The Purple Mice is a musical journey that blends elements of dance rock with electronic...
"Clipping" by The BV's is a delightful indie rock track that effortlessly weaves together various influences, creating a sound that...
"Darkest Oceans" by the Jode Gannon Band is a musical journey that effortlessly blends rock with a touch of country,...