"Redemption" by The Dream Spiral is a weird blend of rock and electronica that travels listeners on a journey filled...
Pop / Rock Reviews
"Lust For Life" by Benedict October is a hauntingly beautiful ballad that includes a trippy narrative with a dark pop...
"Succubus" by Bloodtooth is a 2:40 journey into a dreamy, psychedelic realm that reaches the senses from the very first...
Cat Serrano, a talented high school student hailing from Puerto Rico, steps into the spotlight with her debut single, "You...
Orfik's instrumental track "Do the Little Dance" is a delightful journey into a world of playful melodies and groovy rhythms,...
Mick Johnson, a versatile songwriter and producer hailing from the vibrant music scene of the North East of England, presents...
"Mean World" by dAVID sTRANGE takes listeners on a musical roadtrip through a landscape that smartly blends elements of blues,...
"Oh How I Wish I Knew" by Kevin C. Browne is a soulful trip that unfolds through the gentle strumming...
Lucid Evolution's "The Seed" is an exploration of the realms of psychedelic rock and progressive soundscapes. The track opens with...
Otherworldly Things, a four-piece band comprising Jim Browne, Matt Revie, Jason Binnick, and Travis Harrison, invites listeners on a nostalgic...