Magick Brother & Mystic Sister's "The Tower" is an intriguing trip that combines space-age synths, a jazzy bassline, and hypnotic...
Pop / Rock Reviews
Tony Joseph Mësëgana's "Déception" is a new mix of reggae, soul, and pop influences which attracts listeners with its dynamic...
Clan of Xymox's joint remix of Delerium's "In The Deep" is a creative reinterpretation that combines the ethereal and the...
Aerolinea, a collaboration between Argentine artist Victoria Real and Eric Weissinger of Atlanta dream-gaze duo I Am a Rocketship, presents...
Let It Loose by The Wood is a dynamic combination of bluesy indie rock and southern rock that offers a...
South Carolina's The Yets have released a mix of dream pop and alternative rock with their new single 3's, which...
John Douglas' Still or Sparkling? EP is a devoted collection of acoustic tracks that combine folk, pop, and soul, delivering a...
Winter Heart by Jody and the Jerms is a sad composition that combines melodic folk and pop-rock components, leading to an...
Ecce Shnak's Jeremy, Utilitarian Sadboy is a sound labyrinth—an adventurous, kaleidoscopic exploration of avant-garde rock, experimental prog, and funk wrapped in...
With "Délivre-Moi (Radio Edit)," Eric Lanz creates an upbeat piece that combines vintage influences with a modern pop aesthetic. The...