"My Glass World" presents an intriguing sonic journey with their track "Citizen Of Nowhere." Comprising the duo of Jamie Telford...
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Bone Cult's "Free Yourself" is a journey through the realms of industrial rock, electronica, drum and bass, and punk influences....
"Chrysalis" by Dr. Leonardo Barilaro is a remarkable instrumental piano track that transcends the boundaries of music and science, creating...
"Under The Knife" by the talented artist Tamara Qaddoumi is an ethereal musical journey that combines dream pop, synthwave, and...
"Postcards From Pluto" by Brother Guy is a musical journey that takes listeners on a fascinating ride through the realms...
Matt DeAngelis' "All Good Things" is a beautifully power ballad that pays homage to the classic rock and piano-driven balladry...
Clio Cadence's "Innocence (Acoustic Version)" is a masterful reinterpretation of an originally hard rock track, demonstrating the artist's incredible vocal...
"Green Asphalt" by the artist Whelp is a dreamy instrumental Synthwave track that effortlessly transports you to the neon-soaked streets...
"Factory" by The Bolokos is a rebellious anthem that encapsulates the spirit of punk rock. This track delves into the...
"HOMO-VIRUS" by Cogway is a genre-blending track that seamlessly weaves together elements of electronica, indie rock, and alternative rock into...