The Veldt, renowned pioneers of soul-infused shoegaze, grace us with their latest single "Angel Heart," offering a glimpse into the...
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E.G. Phillips takes listeners on a cinematic journey with his latest EP, "Outlaw The Dead," a collection of soul-stirring tracks...
Richard Evans' latest EP, "Dream of the World," takes listeners on a dreamy journey through three distinct tracks that showcase...
"Tune Out, Turn Off, Drop In" by The Noise Who Runs is a thought-provoking musical reflection inspired by the 1960s...
"Rock-n-Roll is My Business" by Dmitry Wild is a dynamic and gutsy rock track that pays homage to the rock...
"Divine" by Jody and the Jerms offers a refreshingly unexpected journey through the soundscape of psychedelic pop. This seven-piece ensemble,...
"Get Over Yourself" by Sabatta is a raw, genre-defying gem that exemplifies the band's unique fusion of influences. Led by...
"The Fog of War" by Appeal to Authority is a multifaceted sonic journey that seamlessly blends elements of hard rock,...
"Under New MGT" by Swamp Music Players ventures into the realm of paranoia and hope in the context of Cold...
"Spot" by Of Love and Lust (OLAL) is a multifaceted journey that transcends the boundaries of a typical angry rock...