Beauty In Chaos, led by Michael Ciravolo, continues its daring exploration of post-rock, gothic, and dream-pop worlds with Dancing With...
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Robin Guthrie's latest EP, Atlas, out now on Soleil Après Minuit, triggers the ethereal, atmospheric beauty that has always defined...
Raymond Watts, the creative genius behind PIG, has returned to the depths of industrial soundscapes with his latest release, Red...
Reverb & Seduction by Federale is a cinematic trip that combines atmospheric rock, gothic shades, and Americana elements. The album was...
The Speed of Sound's "The Same River" is a combination of nostalgia and present post-punk strength. Right from the start, the...
Nick Hudson's "Catherine In The Curate's Garden" is a dark and poetic piece that combines strange drone music with a...
"Nightshade and Cocaine" is a dark and strong collaboration between Love Ghost's Finnegan Bell and industrial music veteran Tim Skold....
Scottish singer-songwriter John Douglas performs a moving live version of "Weightlifting," a music with great meaning as part of the...
Michael Schouffler's "Emilie Gère" quickly grabs your attention with its indie rock vibes and surf rock-inspired guitar tones. The jangly,...
László Vadkerti's "Crime Scene" offers an engaging audio picture, similar to the story behind its production. The music begins with...