"The Destination" is an engaging and atmospheric Experimental Rock track that showcases the producer's talent for creating immersive and captivating...
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THE HYBRIS is a trio of friends' global Alternative Rock project. Before we were dispersed across the globe, they used...
A haunting and introspective Jazz/Avant-garde piece that offers a deep and personal look at the struggles of mental health. The...
"Ghost Town" by Love Ghost featuring Santa RM is a haunting and impactful collaboration that blends the band's alternative rock...
Sleemo, a power trio from Norwich, made their debut in the middle of 2019. Since then, they have rapidly grown...
The track explores music from a multi-genre perspective, leading to a result inspired by music genres such as New Age,...
As you can guess from the title, the track is a guitar driven anthem with inspiration from Punk Rock, Metal,...
In May 2020, four friends from Gdansk, Poland, formed the band Snakedoctors. Since then, they have published four albums and...
Jacques Bailhé is a multi-instrumentalist who plays the sitar, guitar, drums, piano, keyboards, and other intriguing instruments. His musical influences...
In the 1990s in London, jazz was revived with electronic beats, thanks in large part to Matt Cooper. He currently...