Jimmy Mallia, the seasoned 59-year-old singer-songwriter hailing from Galveston, TX, takes us on a delightful trip down memory lane with...
Jazz / Blues Reviews
"Ball de l'àliga" by Persicopi Invertit is an instrumental track that smartly blends diverse musical elements, creating a rich and...
Sergey Khomenko's instrumental track, "Opening a Closed Door," is a trip through a myriad of emotions and cinematic landscapes. From...
"Pillars of Faith" by Van Deurzen featuring Ffion Elisa is an exploration of faith and perseverance in the face of...
"Maldito Antro" by Puerto Mariel is a vibrant and celebratory funk rock anthem that pulsates with energy and positivity. With...
"The Approaching" by J Scott Williams is an instrumental track that embarks on a brief but intense musical journey. With...
"Seven Days" by Big Dizzy is an instrumental track that takes listeners on a guitar journey through a blend of...
"Junior" by Michael Friedinger is an instrumental track that takes listeners on a musical journey through various genres, showcasing the...
"Strings Attached" by Rob Garland is a captivating Blues Rock track that effortlessly channels the classic rock vibes of the...
Ronald Van Deurzen, an esteemed pianist and composer known for his versatility in contemporary instrumental music, takes us on a...