Vihilija's "Kazka" is an extreme metal song that explores themes of childhood phobias that endure into adulthood by going deep into...
Hard Music Reviews
New York City has long been a breeding ground for iconic rock bands, and Wildstreet is no exception. They formed...
Zeke Sky's "Brave Dominion" is a musical adventure that explores a variety of genres and sounds, ltimately delivering an epic...
Glassfield's "Danse Macabre" is a powerful song that immediately draws you into its dark and mysterious universe. Members of Still Remains,...
The Palace of Tears' "The Embers of Your Being Glow" is an immersing trip through mysterious and gloomy aural worlds...
O Kanenas' "Ludlow Massacre" is a powerful and moving recollection of the sad events surrounding the Colorado coal miners' strike...
NASH's daring and avant-garde solo project "Tokyo Nights" combines synthwave, metalcore, and cyberpunk elements to create a hooking musical experience....
9-Volt Velvet's "Hey, Candy" is an upbeat punk/post-punk hit song that makes a strong impression. Mark Cross, Donnie Robertson, and...
"Do You Like Me Now?" by Cinnamon & Love Ghost Babe is a sonic rollercoaster that combines punk, rap-rock, and...
Wexford's "Never Give Up the Fight" is an intense punk song which reflects the spirit of adolescent rebellion and rawness....