"A World in Ruins," starring Emi Pellegrino, is a standout track that represents ArcterrA's mix of cinematic and progressive metal...
Hard Music Reviews
Kiss Is Kill's "100%" is an exciting tune that wonderfully emphasizes the diverse workof the project's award-winning composer and producer,...
Bill Leeb's "Demons" is a deeply moving song that explores the widespread darkness that surrounds us, both in the world...
"Dum Dum Bullet," an interesting tune from Raymond Watts, a.k.a. PIG's new album Red Room, is a dramatic exploration of...
Escalation James Dorsett's "Escalation" is a hypnotic song that grabs the attention from the first note. Setting the tone for the...
Forever in Transit's "Enter the Void" is a progressive metal piece that combines melody, speed, and emotional depth into a complex musical...
"Witch" by Nox Pulso is a combination of 1980s and 1990s elements that creates an entertaining industrial rock song. The...
Stepfather Fred's "Collecting Faith" is a bright, complicated song that carries the listener through a variety of rock and metal...
Megacorp Industries' "Carried Away" is a hard rock song that sounds like it was inspired by Steve Sylvester's music from...
I, Helios' "Waves" is a complex and intense trip through progressive and post-hardcore metal sounds. The song instantly captures the...