Annakye, the alternative rock band known for their introspective and thought-provoking music, delves deep into the complexities of toxic relationships...
Hard Music Reviews
MAL's "Besides" takes listeners on a thrilling journey back to the glory days of 90s hard rock, channeling influences from...
"Prince of the Air" is a chaotic punk and metal track that features heavy riffs, aggressive vocals, and pounding drums....
"Always in Danger" is a unique album that seamlessly blends elements of indie rock and industrial music, resulting in a...
The Taunton-based band The Idle Silence consists of four members. The band, which was created online, plays an indie-noisy pop...
"Bloodied Fjords" by Fury of a Dying Planet is a hard-hitting and intense Metal track that showcases the band's impressive...
RockHard, which was founded in 2019, is a ground-breaking idea that delivers the best rock music directly to your ears....
"Factory" is a bold and experimental EP from the band Cheree, showcasing the group's penchant for pushing boundaries and defying...
The majority of 2022 was spent creating and recording Thousand Thoughts' long-awaited debut album Better than Never, which is released...
Sixgun Renegades' "Death Race" is a hard-hitting rock track that immediately grabs the listener's attention with its driving guitar riff...