Ethereal Dawn presents a true saga with their track "As Mountains I'll Fall," a powerful narrative that unfolds against a...
Hard Music Reviews
The Dead Beast Initiative brings a nostalgic wave of raw energy with their track "I Am The Shadow," a challenging...
Once Below Joy's track "Hounds" is an interesting blend of various rock influences that transport listeners through a music journey...
Skeptical Minds' latest album, "Kharon," marks a compelling addition to their discography, particularly for aficionados of dark, atmospheric rock. Nestled...
"Defenseless" by NOAPOLOGY is a gripping fusion of NuMetal and Metalcore elements that showcases the band's dynamic energy and raw...
"Running Away" by Haneke Twins is a hauntingly trip into the depths of post-punk, drawing influences from the dark wave...
"Welcome to the New Frontier" introduces listeners to the unique musical world of Shattered Worlds, a solo project spearheaded by...
Henry van der Zwan's "Journey" is an enthralling instrumental track that transports the listener through intricate melodies and energetic hard...
Celebrating an impressive 40 years in the industry, KMFDM returns with their 23rd studio album, "LET GO," featuring the core...
Lovelorn Dolls, the dark gothic synth-rock duo hailing from Brussels, delivers a haunting yet powerful musical experience with their latest...