The powerful, rebellious song "Violent Delight" by Attic Theory transforms raw energy and violence into an engaging musical experience. Lead...
Hard Music Reviews
The Greek musician O Kanenas unleashes a furious combination of hard rock and folk rock on the track "Fire of...
Henry van der Zwan's "Behold!" is an amazing instrumental song that fascinates the senses with its exhilarating mix of electric...
Octavia's "INSANE!" delivers a potent mix of ethereal vocals, reverbed guitars, and pulsating rhythms, reminiscent of the alternative rock soundscapes...
Auraboros's "Contemplating" emerges as a raw and unapologetically intense exploration of societal disillusionment and internal chaos. The track opens with...
"Like A Hammer" by Then Comes Silence is a mix of 1980s synth melodies and gothic rock elements that immediately...
Andreas Gavlén's "A Perfect Lie" is an exploration of post-punk landscapes, enriched with dreamy guitar tones and ethereal vocals reminiscent...
"A Heart Cries" by Lovelorn Dolls is not just a song; it's a haunting journey through the depths of despair...
"Tired of Monsters" by Otherworldly Things is not just a song; it's a raw and relevant commentary on the tumultuous...
Circolo Vizioso's latest album, "Verrückt," is a gritty and authentic homage to garage rock and punk, delivering a raw and...