The Noise Who Runs, a musical collaboration led by songwriter Ian Pickering (known for his work with Sneaker Pimps and...
Electronica Reviews
"Surviving" by John Couper is a track that combines elements of mystery, dance, and nostalgia. The track opens with enigmatic...
Italian artist Dada Sutra takes listeners on a synth journey with her track "Diva," a sonic exploration that combines elements...
"Love Calls 4 Me" by O.C. Flow is a Soul track with clear R&B influences from the vibrant era of...
"The Red Line" by JVLIVS is a journey through various musical eras and genres, skillfully combining elements of ethnic vocals,...
"Real Murders - Music from the True Crime Series" by Chris Wirsig is an instrumental soundtrack that weaves a dark,...
"Where Are You" by Sad Devotion, featuring Azure Blue, is a captivating Synth Pop/Synthwave track that effortlessly transports listeners to...
"My Rolex Is Better Than Yours" by Blindness & Light, a track written by Colin M Potter and produced by...
Javier Bäal's instrumental track, "Severance," presents a blend of electronic, dance, and orchestral elements, creating a sonic landscape that is...
GEA's "U R U" emerges as a remarkable electronica track that transcends the boundaries of conventional music, delivering a surprising...