"Ocean / Wastebag," a mesmerizing indie pop track brought to life by StarAV's evocative vocals and songwriting, along with Faithloss's...
Electronica Reviews
With his vivid, yellow presence, LA-based artist SMILEZ is no stranger to striking out in a crowd. He is the...
Alessandro Spoldi, a classically trained pianist and producer, takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey with his track "Ferruginosa." With...
DY3-thx12-4432, a unique collaboration between Davide Perico and Yoshimitsu 4432, delivers an exceptional sonic experience with their track "Space D...
Simón's "Why I" is a genre-blending masterpiece that seamlessly combines elements of trap, urban, deep-pop, and Latin fusion, resulting in...
"Wicked and Fresh" by ThrillMonkey and AnandaTuk is a high-energy collaboration that seamlessly blends the realms of hip hop and...
Kēvens has a timeless goal: he wants to use the force of his music to unite people from all corners...
Memory Box, a remix of Solemn Arcade, is a mesmerizing track that showcases the fusion of post-punk and electronica in...
Slighter's "Have No Fear" is a mesmerizing industrial techno/electro track that effortlessly captivates listeners from start to finish. With its...
Hal St. John and Cherrie Anderson make up the songwriting duo Ooberfuse. With hundreds of shows worldwide, Ooberfuse's live performance...