Britain’s world-renowned extreme heavy metal act, Cradle Of Filth, has announced dates for the band’s first North American tour since...
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German technical metal outfit, War from a Harlots Mouth, has posted a free stream of their forthcoming Lifeforce Records full-length...
Quantum Leap and MVD Visual To Release"America's Music Legacy" Series On DVD - December 7 (more…)
Dusseldorf has been chosen as the location for next year's Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) for all three live events, the...
Frontiers Records is pleased to announce the release of VEGA's debut album "Kiss of Life" on December 3rd in Europe.VEGA...
THERION !!!! with Loch Vostok and Leprous !! The Sitra Ahra Tour is Coming To Greece Παρασκευή 19 Νοεμβρίου Θεσσαλονίκη...
Η Catch The Soap Productions παρουσιάζει τους: DØDHEIMSGARD (Νορβηγία) & guests T.B.A. (more…)
SHOOTING STAR, the brand new single from Los Angeles traditional heavy metal band WHITE WIZZARD, is available to buy now...
After nearly 40 years, an amazing live recording of Philadelphia's hottest band of the late 60s, WAX, was discovered.As the...
Η World’s Appreciated Kitsch παρουσιάζει: THE LOCALS ONLY HARDCORE SHOWMAD Club Τετάρτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2010 Eden DemiseEternal HatedAgainst All OddsMy...