Greg Korniluck, (who played on the release "Reflection" of Apocalyptica), is working on a new record, with his new band...
Music News
Includes news that concern the music industry as a separate factor or news about mainstream and independent artists. The content is coming mainly through e-mail from labels, management, artists or other news providers. We do not filter the information but include the text untouched. So every information is directly copyrighted to the news provider, every news source is under the news text.
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Publicity Tip
Remember that there are no good or bad news…only news. Publicity doesn’t have a positive or negative character. Whether you lost a contract with your label or received Top 10 success, the both have the same weight of importance for the fan. You must always be in publicity because this way ensures that the audience will always remember you. Also sometimes what you think as bad publicity, is good for other. So do not baptize your news, just make them known to the people…
Attention European rock fans. TUFF/SHAMELESS set to embark on tour August-September 2010. The band will be fronted by Sunset Strip...
Οι Iron Maiden προσάρμοσαν το packaging του νέου τους album ειδικά για την Emi Ελλάδος για να διατεθεί , ταυτόχρονα...
As revenues crash, record labels are opting to repackage classics by Lennon, Hendrix, and others, rather than invest in new...
Ozzy Osbourne is "disgusted" by the way new bands are treated by their record labels - accusing music executives of...
The Iowa-based Christian hard rock and metal label RETROACTIVE RECORDS has signed classic metal legends MASS to reissue two pieces...
Frontiers Records is pleased to announce the digital only release of the single track “Silence” from the much anticipated album...
Dream Theater keyboardist Jordan Rudess has launched Wizdom Music, a virtual musical instrument iPad/iPhone app development company. Wizdom Music’s first...
Next week on the Billboard 200 albums chart, rock band Avenged Sevenfold is gunning for a possible No. 1 debut...
The Beautiful Losers Release New Full-Length CD, Four Corners of a Tiny Planet - - Internationally Esteemed Cross-Cultural Hit Film...