Wishbone Ash, the classic British rock band renowned for its signature twin-lead guitar prowess, embarks April 25 on a US...
Music News
Includes news that concern the music industry as a separate factor or news about mainstream and independent artists. The content is coming mainly through e-mail from labels, management, artists or other news providers. We do not filter the information but include the text untouched. So every information is directly copyrighted to the news provider, every news source is under the news text.
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Publicity Tip
Remember that there are no good or bad news…only news. Publicity doesn’t have a positive or negative character. Whether you lost a contract with your label or received Top 10 success, the both have the same weight of importance for the fan. You must always be in publicity because this way ensures that the audience will always remember you. Also sometimes what you think as bad publicity, is good for other. So do not baptize your news, just make them known to the people…
Pictured at The Village is producer/engineer Alan Parsons (center) with his new project, SubClones. Photo: Jessica Shokrian. (more…)
Cake's John McCrea of and Bryan Adams must be friends. Earlier this month, McCrea said that music will be a hobby...
The Agency Group, one of the world's leading entertainment booking agencies, is announcing it handled all of the booking for...
Sweden’s Katatonia has announced that it will release special editions of the critically acclaimed albums, Last Fair Deal Gone Down...
Private investment group Tamares has been revealed as the latest company through to the second round of bidding for Warner...
Documentary featuring exclusive interviews, archival footage, performance and studio film and moreBrian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la...
Mobile Backstage will set the devices of legions of music fans on fire by releasing the official mobile application of...
British rockers Iron Maiden are selling off limited-edition t-shirts to raise funds for the relief effort in Japan, following last...
ICED EARTH Αθήνα 18 & 19 Νοεμβρίου 2001 @ Gagarin 205 Θεσσαλονίκη 20 Νοεμβρίου @ Principal Club Theater (more…)