Robot Kids Electric is thrilled to announce the release of "Wake Up," a groundbreaking single from their new line of...
Music News
Includes news that concern the music industry as a separate factor or news about mainstream and independent artists. The content is coming mainly through e-mail from labels, management, artists or other news providers. We do not filter the information but include the text untouched. So every information is directly copyrighted to the news provider, every news source is under the news text.
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Publicity Tip
Remember that there are no good or bad news…only news. Publicity doesn’t have a positive or negative character. Whether you lost a contract with your label or received Top 10 success, the both have the same weight of importance for the fan. You must always be in publicity because this way ensures that the audience will always remember you. Also sometimes what you think as bad publicity, is good for other. So do not baptize your news, just make them known to the people…
Agent provocateur Dunstan Bruce made his mark on both underground and mainstream music as a member of anarchist punk band...
Pioneering publication established in 1994 by journalist Anil Prasad offers hundreds of in-depth, uncompromising interviews spanning four decades and myriad genresInnerviews is...
James Morcan…writes and directs. Morcan is currently celebrating the successful red-carpet cinema screenings of his Australian-produced, mystery-drama movie Anno 2020,...
MIDNIGHT: A Thousand Nights in Sodom, by Hannah VerbeurenNew in Hardcover, August 17, 2024, from Bazillion PointsHundreds of Iconic Stage,...
A thrilling journey through the tumultuous history of Iron Maiden, one of the world’s most legendary heavy-metal bands. With unparalleled...
SABER is an exciting Los Angeles based heavy metal band rising through ranks and earning a devoted following. They are known...
THE KOVENANT are preparing to return to the live stage. The Norwegian Grammy award-winning metal band are set to perform...
Cleopatra Entertainment Announces The U.S. Theatrical Premier of COCAINE WEREWOLF Comedy/Horror Film at Historic Arcadia Theatre in Wellsboro, PA on...
Autumn’s first new release in six years, ‘Catacombs’, is produced and directed by longtime collaborator, William Faith. The new single and...