In the late 1990s a two-man line-up of the iconic Pink Fairies band, Paul Rudolph and Twink, recorded a pair...
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Publicity Tip
Remember that there are no good or bad news…only news. Publicity doesn’t have a positive or negative character. Whether you lost a contract with your label or received Top 10 success, the both have the same weight of importance for the fan. You must always be in publicity because this way ensures that the audience will always remember you. Also sometimes what you think as bad publicity, is good for other. So do not baptize your news, just make them known to the people…
CARVED IN STONE is the solo project of Swawa, who herself played in different Metal bands before joining her current Viking...
Norwegian hard rockers Conception release brand new single 'A Virtual Lovestory (live)' on December 10th. It is a live recording...
Hailing from the same icy darkness of the Scandinavian inland that birthed the Grammy Award-winning theatrical metal band GHOST, PRIEST...
Peter Goalby was the lead singer of Uriah Heep during the band’s classic Abominog era and also wrote their 1980s hit “Blood...
London's iconic goth rock troupe, Children On Stun, were formed in 1991 by vocalist Neil Ash, guitarist Peter Finnemore, bassist...
Brandon Teskey is a blues guitarist, known most notably as the guitar player and songwriter of the blues rock band,...
Raw Terra released his new two-sided single on December 3, 2021! Raw Terra is the alter-ego of musician Richard d’Andrea....
They toured with every major metal act - from Iron Maiden to Scorpions to KISS to Mötley Crüe - at...
A double album of 50 epic compositions inspired by cinematic artists such as Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Rick Wakeman and...