"Icarus Emerged," the collaborative effort between singer Marissa Kephart (Holding Hour) and Ryan Gross (Skinny Dippers), is a captivating journey...
Skylight Magazine
Esjay Jones is a South African born, Grammy featured rock, metal and pop producer, songwriter and artist now based in...
Two lifelong friends, drummer Aaron Gilligan and guitarist/vocalist Jon French, founded Exotic Fruitica in Austin, Texas, in 2022. It took...
Fronted by powerhouse singer Jenny, and rounded out by Dennis, Raphael, Flo and Chris, German Metal/Rock act Fireborn produce unique...
Born in Austria and now residing in England, Trickster is a musician whose life story is as captivating as his...
Earlier this year, country music icon Willie Nelson won his fourteenth Grammy Award for his performance of “Live Forever,” a...
In a follow-up to last year’s successful performance of “What Friends Do,” Dark Shadows legends Kathryn Leigh Scott, David Selby...
Godflesh share new track "LAND LORD" from their forthcoming album, PURGE. It's a track which spirals out in pent-up rage from...
The new album by the Finnish powerhouse WARMEN around Janne Wirman (CHILDREN OF BODOM) HERE FOR NONE will be released worldwide by REAPER ENTERTAINMENT on August...
Calice's latest single, "Eternity," is a heartfelt and introspective pop track that delves into the often overlooked subject of Alzheimer's...