“Paradise of Rain,” created by progressive rock musician Richard Sontaag, will be released first on the Audible audiobook platform on...
Year: 2024
The new album by Neal Rosner titled “Kentucky” chronicles the artist’s 12-year residency in Madisonville, KY. Songs were written between...
John Korbel's "New York All To Ourselves" is a delightful fusion of contemporary pop, country, and jazz, creating a unique...
Fear of Tomorrow's latest offering, "Gracious," is a relentless dive into the world of Alternative Rock, leaving an indelible mark...
Jimmy Mallia, the seasoned 59-year-old singer-songwriter hailing from Galveston, TX, takes us on a delightful trip down memory lane with...
"My Felicity (Acoustic Version)" by Sophia Sheth presents a charming and soulful rendition of the original track, showcasing the artist's...
"My Felicity" by Sophia Sheth is a delightful musical journey that beautifully encapsulates the essence of friendship and the profound...
"The Conformist" by West Wickhams, the musical collaboration of Jon Othello and Elle Flores, unveils a psychedelic piece that transports...
S.J. Armstrong, a musician with roots in San Diego and currently stationed in the Seattle area, embarks on a musical...
Luna Keller's "Swallow The Sea" is an acoustic folk track that seamlessly blends indie influences with hauntingly beautiful vocal effects....