Embertears, the musical project led by Tamas (Tom) Geza Albert, produces an ambitious and complex piece in The Time of...
Month: December 2024
Cyclone Prime's song Release is a powerhouse of modern thrash metal that pays honor to the genre's golden era. The...
Lightyear Entertainment announces that it will release a spinoff of the acclaimed “Get Thrashed: The Story of Thrash Metal” (2006)...
John Consalvo's "Because It's Christmas" starts with the relaxing strums of an acoustic guitar establishing a warm and nostalgic atmosphere. The...
"All Roads" begins with a fuzzy, distorted guitar that sets an electrifying language, soon followed by an explosive drum beat that...
"Let's Rise" begins with a Folk-Blues sound that grabs attention with its professional mastering and loud, clear production. The musical...